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In the lowest moments of a teetering marriage, when the bonds are fraying or there has been betrayal, deception, violence, or stress beyond endurance, the idea of divorce surfaces. With it comes waves of anger, frustration, fear, and confusion. This is when real help is needed. What people in this fragile state need most is knowledgeable help in sorting through their feelings, clarifying their thoughts, and preparing themselves for the big choices ahead. They need a lifeline to a better future. 
Seven Secrets from the Divorce Whisperer: How to Save Yourself, Your Money, and Your Children During Divorce, is that lifeline. As a practicing divorce lawyer for thirty years and a divorcee myself, I have a profound empathy for people caught in this emotional maelstrom. When my own marriage was falling apart, I prowled the aisles of bookstores, searching for a book that would be compassionate, knowledgeable, uplifting, and accessible all at the same time. A book I could trust, consult, and reread in solitude to help me cut through the mental fog of emotion and think my way forward. Such a book, I knew, would be nourishment for my brain and tonic for my soul. I wanted clarity, but I also wanted inspiration and hope. 
I found many books at the time, but not a single one brought all these elements together in the way I sought. I decided then that I would write the book about divorce that was missing from the shelves. This book is the one I needed and could not find. This book is the one I want all my clients to read before or in the wake of our first meeting. This book is written for them and for everyone facing the life crisis that no one is ever really prepared to face. 
The first chapter tackles a core question seldom addressed. I believe every person contemplating the upending of life as they know it should first undertake an emotional inventory of self and marriage, getting at the real roots of unhappiness. How else to fit the right tool to the problem? It is immeasurably helpful to consider these questions honestly as a prelude. Your therapist (I always encourage clients to seek counseling) and your lawyer will thank you. This essential step of self-clarification, vital to a successful outcome, is often skipped; it’s too tempting to ride the tidal wave of anger instead. But is the marriage really to blame for one’s unhappiness? Is divorce really the answer? 
This book provides the knowledge and framework to prepare oneself for the decisions ahead. An entire chapter is devoted to domestic violence. Two chapters address how the divorce affects children, both before and after the actual dissolution of marriage, and what parents can do to mitigate the damage. There are chapters on different types of divorce, and on mediation, the smartest option for dissolving most marriages. Seven Secrets from the Divorce Whisperer is meant to guide every soul who is going through the life-altering process of divorce. 
Marriage is tough. Divorce, even tougher. Everybody needs help navigating the legal morass, to say nothing of the stress and heartbreak. This book is that compassionate friend who helps you find the strength, clarity, and resolve you thought you’d lost forever; the friend who gives you the conviction that you can be the architect of your best possible future. 


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